High-performance computing facilities

MTG has assess to the high-performance supercomputer Nurion 누리온 at the Korea Institute of Science & Technology Information Supercomputing Center (KISTI-KSC). Nurion has been ranked 11th in the TOP500 list (June 2018), providing 25,705.9 TFlops Rpeak. The system is configured with Intel Xeon Phi 7250 (KNL) 1.4GHz processors and Intel Xeon 6148 (Skylake) 2.4GHz for 564,740 and 5,280 computing cores, respectively.

In-house computing cluster, KOHN

Our group owns an in-house InfiniBand connected Intel cluster of about 76 nodes, making up a total of approximately 1,750 CPU cores. This includes 2 GPU nodes (4 units of GeForce RTX™ 3090 Ti) with 32 CPU and 43,008 CUDA cores.

In addition, our group also has assess to high performance supercomputing facilities in Australia, through a long-term, active collaboration with the Condensed Matter Theory group (led by Professor Catherine Stampfl FAA FRSN) in the School of Physics, University of Sydney, Australia: the NCI National Facility in Canberra, and the Pawsey Supercomputing Centre in Perth.

Density-functional theory codes

Molecular dynamics codes

Visualization and plotting tools

Evolutionary algorithms and machine learning-related programs

Other auxiliary programs

Databases (for materials science & engineering)